Selasa, 30 Desember 2014


How To Improve Speaking Skills in 7 Simple Steps

I’m never going to perfect the art of speaking. And hey, neither are you. None of us hairless monkeys are. Granted, Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, Jim Rohn and other well-known speakers are masters, but even they make mistakes.
Just because I can’t perfect it doesn’t mean I’m not going to try.

There’s nothing like being able to make my sister smile with some stupid joke. My friends deserve the living, engaging stories I tell them now rather than the dry monotone that I remember having. It’s exciting that I can make new friends just by chatting them up in the minute it takes the elevator to get to my floor.
There are two major buckets you need to think about when you’re learning about speech:
  1. Fixing Mistakes
  2. Adding and Improving Skills
Start by fixing mistakes you’re making. For me, fixing just two of these mistakes accounted for an 80% improvement in my conversational skills. I realize how silly that sounds–how do I know it was 80%? Why not 81%?–but when you go through the exercises a couple of times and focus on fixing these mistakes, you leave me a comment or send me an email and tell me what improvements you saw.
I’m not hiding the most important mistakes; they’re the first two steps.
On top of working on those mistakes, I built specific speaking skills. These are humour, story telling, volume, gestures, pace, mastery topics and more. These skills aren’t the whole of speaking–a great gesture doesn’t a great speaker make, but a tap on the nose makes a story cuter, and wide arms a statement grander.
This is where great conversationalists differentiate themselves: some love deep, highly emotional conversations controlled by pace, mastery topics and story telling; some play subtle games of humour, making their friends feel like everything is an inside joke they’re included in; some make their friends feel like great conversationalists by leading conversations to the most interesting bits, punctuating points properly with volume, gestures and physicality and then backing off.
Dabble now, focus later.
TODAY I’d like to go over how to improve speaking skills with exercises, behaviours and the daily grind.
Below are 7 simple steps that I hope will benefit you greatly. I was messing around with photoshop and came out with the JPEG below (How To Improve Speaking Skills in 7 Simple Steps) because why not.  There are also useful videos and I vow to answer all questions in the comments.
Enjoy Irresponsibly.

Speak Clearly

How To Improve Speaking Skills in 7 Simple Steps   speak clearly
I’ve updated this section with an article, How to Speak Clearly and Confidently, dedicated entirely to it with its own exercises. It covers:

In summary, speak clearly. Enunciate and choose a volume as if it were on purpose. Select the easiest words to get your point across. Only once you’ve mastered clarity should you begin to braid some silvery strands into your language.

Develop Flow

How To Improve Speaking Skills in 7 Simple Steps   develop flow
Imagine a river. The water is moving; it runs around rocks and over the ground beneath it. It’s disturbed by the legs of a bridge. To you, though, it looks smooth.
I doubt that the river learned how to flow, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t.
With flow we’re aiming at a level of comfort with speaking that lets you approach all topics with equal grace.
There are two aspects of flow that I’d like you to improve:
  1. Pace
  2. Pausing
Unless you’re James Malinchak or Les Brown, you speak too quickly. A mentor told me that I spoke too quickly because I was worried that someone else might speak over me–maybe that’s accurate for you as well. In any case, it is a truism that we.. should slow.. our pace.. down.
We also need to be comfortable pausing. If I had only thirty seconds of your time to help you improve your speaking skills, I would tell you to replace all of your filler words with a two second pause.
A filler word is “uh” or “um,” or anything you say that is equivalent. For example I like the word “like” but I shouldn’t. Notice whenever you use a filler word, pause for two seconds, and then continue.

Choose Your Mastery Topics

How To Improve Speaking Skills in 7 Simple Steps   choose mastery topics
We’ve gone over how to improve speaking skills via Clarity and Flow. The focus was to fix some of the errors we were making and help us build a bit more confidence. The next steps let us build a stronger speaking strategies.
Let’s start by choosing Mastery Topics.
Mastery Topics are subjects that you’re interested in and passionate about. When you discuss these topics you naturally exude more confidence and excitement, and you’re more likely to draw listeners into your world. And, since you’ll be talking about your mastery topics so much, you’ll have all of the speaking nuances of the topics covered as well.
I’m passionate about living abroad, running a social skills business, general success, learning and food. And if I can I’ll pull our conversation over intto one of those topics and blow you away.

Become a Topic Master

How To Improve Speaking Skills in 7 Simple Steps   become topic master
So you want to be a topic master? No? Well, make it your temporary day-dream.
Take a second to think about your everyday conversations.
Generally you fall into a topic that you’re comfortable with and your conversations follow similar paths. The why is fairly simple: we’re programmed to pursue pleasure–the same positive reactions to the same topics and jokes–and avoid pain–the potential shame of expressing an opinion that makes everyone around you uncomfortable.
There’s nothing wrong with this, but if we naturally do it all of the time we might as well do it on purpose. To add some flair to our speaking skills we’ll need to add some sub-topics to our Mastery Topic.
With these sub-topics we can practice our clarity, flow and style.

Develop Style

How To Improve Speaking Skills in 7 Simple Steps   stealing style
Droning on in a monotone will never be interesting, no matter the quality of the content coming out of your mouth. The trick is to express those same words in a more appealing manner.
To do this, I suggest you emulate somewhere better than yourself.

Practice Daily

How To Improve Speaking Skills in 7 Simple Steps   practice daily
Be honest with yourself when you answer this question: do you think that you’re going to have improved speaking skills when you finish reading this post?
I don’t write that well.
But while reading won’t improve your speaking skills, behaviour will.
There are two behaviours that you should build:
  1. Practice Daily
  2. Practice at Events
The next section will cover events.
Practicing daily is fairly simple. Every day, put aside some time to go over one of the exercises from this post. If that sounds too hard–and I understand that committing to anything is often challenging–ask yourself whether 5 minutes a day for 15 days is too much. If it is, then something else is on your mind and you need to handle that.
If not, I put together the option of receiving a challenge a day for fifteen days. The challenges are short enough that you can complete them in 5 minutes or less.

Practice at Events

How To Improve Speaking Skills in 7 Simple Steps   practice at events
Weight Watchers has been using the buddy system technique for years. The act of losing weight is motivational, but losing weight and being celebrated for it is far more exciting. Not to mention having people to hold you accountable when you have a bad week.
Where were you? Watching the game? Canada’s Next Top Lumberjack? Come on, this is important.
Attend an event that will let you focus on your conversational skills on a weekly basis. There are many events that you could attend, though my favourites are Toastmasters and professional networking events that you can easily find on

Minggu, 21 Desember 2014


We tend to pay a great deal of attention to our ability to speak. From Toastmasters to an unlimited amount of courses, workshops, and training available we see that speaking, especially public speaking, is a highly desirable, sought-after skill.
Public speaking is considered to be an essential ability for those who desire to advance their career in business and politics. But considering all the noise concerning the importance of speaking, listening is virtually ignored.
It can be argued that listening is every bit as important as speaking. Everyone desires to be heard and understood, and we reward people who provide us with those opportunities with our trust and loyalty.

Here are five ways to increase our listening abilities:


Have you ever been speaking to someone and found that they are distracted by something and not really listening to you? You probably thought this was annoying, frustrating, and disrespectful. At that point you may have even become angry or shut the conversation down.
When someone is speaking it is vitally important to be fully present and in the moment with them. If something else is on your mind, like a call you have to make, or a text you need to answer, let them know, do what you need to do, and when you are finished let them know you are ready to listen.
When listening pay attention not only to the words but the tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language. This will give you information that will be as important as the words themselves.


Whether you agree with the speaker or even have an interest in what they have to say, what they are saying is important to them. Imagine yourself in their situation, wanting only to have someone listen to them. When they are speaking, make an effort to think of where they are coming from and why. Imagine what their life is like and what struggles they might be facing. People will appreciate that you made the effort to understand and really hear them.


Many people have trouble focusing on what someone is saying especially if they speak for longer than a minute or so. It is easy for our attention to drift to something else that we might find more interesting. If that’s the case, try to pick up a few key points in the conversation. After they finish talking, let them know that you heard them by mentioning the key points you heard them say and ask them to clarify anything that you did not understand. You will be forgiven for not being able to follow the whole conversation if the person talking believes that you made an honest effort.


Most people are thinking of how they are going to reply when someone is talking. Instead of doing that, try to focus completely on what the person is saying. Pretend that you will be tested on how much of what they were saying you heard and understood. A good exercise to practice is to sit down with a family member or a good friend and practice simply giving feedback to them of what you heard them say. You will notice that it gets much easier to focus on their words when you aren’t worrying about how you will respond.


People who are naturally curious see conversations as learning opportunities. They are always looking to discover or learn something new and see everyone they talk to as having the potential to teach them something. They are open to the idea that their own way of seeing things may not be the only, or necessarily the best, way and don’t feel the need to always defend their own point of view or way of seeing the world.
These people are continuously looking for new learning opportunities and taking on new challenges. You will recognize these people as the ones who are signing up for courses, volunteering, and trying new experiences throughout their lives. For them, listening to others becomes an easy and natural way to continue on their self-development journey.
Strong writing skills in English come from practice and determination. No one is born an excellent writer. Learning to be an excellent writer in English takes a lot of time and practice. Anyone can be a good writer if they are determined enough.Everyone has a different reason why they need to improve their writing. Maybe you need to improve your writing for work or for your English class at university. Or maybe you want to start a blog about learning English or you need to respond to emails in English for your business.Below are 8 Tips to Improve Your English Writing Skills:1. Keep All of your Writing in One PlaceBuy a notebook or journal or start an electronic journal. By keeping your writing all in the same place, you will be able to see how much you are improving and keep it organized.2. Practice Writing in English DailyThe importance of writing daily is that you start to create a new habit. Writing every day in English will soon become natural and something you look forward to. You will not see a significant improvement if you are not dedicated to becoming a better writer in English. You cannot create awesome stories and papers if you never try.3. Pick a Topic and WRITE!Don’t get stuck on figuring out what to write about. You can write about anything. You can write about what you do, things you hear or see, news, or make up a story. If you do get stuck, use some of English Tonight’s writing prompts to help you get started.4. Write More than One DraftDraft means a preliminary version of piece of writing. Sometimes, your best writing becomes better after you take a break and work on a second or third draft. When you revise (or rewrite) your work you are often able to get your message across more clearly. You make think of things that you did not think to write in the first draft and you can add it in a later draft.5. Use Online Resources to Correct your GrammarYes, grammar is a pain. You don’t need to know everything about English grammar. Use online resources, such as GrammarlyGrammarCheck or to help you answer a grammar question when it comes up. You could also switch the spell and grammar check on MS Word, your iPad or Google Doc to check your spelling and grammar in English.6. Think Outside the Box (or Lines)Don’t write about the same thing every day or you will get bored. Try writing the same story from different perspectives or different tenses. If you are writing a story about a baby that won’t stop crying; first, it could be the mother telling the story; then from the perspective of the baby. Or you could write it in present moment…. ‘My baby hasn’t stopped crying in five days…’ and then write in the perspective of a pregnant woman that is thinking about having a baby that won’t stop crying. Don’t write about topics in the obvious way. Be creative!7. Have a Friend Edit Your WritingHave a friend that knows English correct or edit your work. Having another person read your work helps generate more ideas to better your writing. You could have them edit everything or just a part that you are stuck on. Often having another set of eyes look at your writing helps find mistakes that you have overlooked.8. Find the Best Place for You to WriteYou should try writing in different places or at different times of the day. Maybe you have writer’s block at night; try getting up 15 minutes earlier and writing in the morning. Maybe you have trouble writing where there is a lot of noise; try writing in a quiet and comfortable place. Experiment in finding the right (or write?) environment for you to write.Writing is a process; the more you work on your writing the better it (and you) will get.- See more at:

Minggu, 14 Desember 2014

Perbedaan antara Farther dan Further
Artinya lebih jauh. Dalam konteks ini lebih jauh yang dimaksud adalah pernyataan jarak yang tidak bisa diukur. Sebagai contoh, Anda berpikir lebih jauh kedepan dibandingkan dengan saudara laki-laki Anda. Maka untuk menyatakannya di dalam bahasa Inggris, gunakanlah Further. Mengapa demikian? Karena ungkapan jauhnya pikiran tidak bisa diukur dengan satuan panjang.
Contoh kalimat:
I need a further action from you. (Saya membutuhkan tindakan lebih jauh darimu.)
His achievement is further than you. (Prestasinya lebih jauh daripada kamu.)
Artinya juga lebih jauh. Namun, lebih jauh di dalam konteks ini mengungkapkan jarak yang bisa diukur. Misalnya Anda berlari 1 km lebih jauh dibandingkan teman Anda, maka di kalimat tersebut gunakanlah farther.
Contoh kalimat:
I can swim farther than you. (Saya dapat berenang lebih jauh dibandingkan denganmu.)
Can you throw this stone farther than me? (Bisakah kamu melempar batu ini lebih jauh dariku?)
Watch it! She runs farther than you. (Lihat itu! Dia berlari lebih jauh daripada dirimu.)
Ini dia ekspresi-ekspresi surprise (Terkejut) dan disbelief (Tidak percaya) dalam bahasa Inggris:
Expressing Surprise
What a surprise!
That can’t be
Oh! Wow!
I am amazed at…
Your story sounds fishy to me
This is really a big surprise!
That was very surprising!
I am really surprise
I am surprise at you
My goodness!
Expressing Disbelief
I don’t believe you
I don’t trust you
That’s unbelievable
Are you serious?
You must be kidding!
It must be wrong.
You must be joking
I have no faith on you.
It was beyond belief.
That’s unbelievable.
I can’t believe you.
Are you kidding?
You’re kidding?!
It’s hard to believe you.
I can’t trust you!
I can’t believe it!
Ow come on, you can’t be so serious.
You are lying, aren’t you?
I don’t think that you are serious, do you?
That’s wrong, isn’t it?
He is not serious, is he?
You are kidding.
You must be kidding me.